SIZES OF CAGES FOR EACH SPECIES: The sizes of circular chinese bamboo cages are defined by the diameters of the cages which is similar to the lengths of the centrally placed perches. The tradition to use the appropriate size for each species has changed very little over the years. 8 to 9 inches cages are used for oriental white-eyes, 10 to 12 inches cages for most finches, 14 inches cages for hwameis and magpie robins (slightly larger cages are sometimes used for these species today) and depending on the length of the tail feathers, cages 16 inches and above are used for white-rumped shamas.
VARIATIONS OF BAMBOO CAGES: There are slight variations at the lower part of the circular bamboo cages used for the different species. These slight variations take into consideration their different style of movemments. For examples, the bottom part of a 9 inches cage will come with a circular landing perch that will be raised a few inches from the cage floor to cater to the smooth 'play' of the oriental white-eye. This provision of a circular
This hobby in my country also includes to a certain degree, the appreciation of traditional chinese art and crafts, often evident on the bamboo cages. Bamboo cages are crafted with traditional chinese designs or figures depicting chinese legends and folklores. These are carved onto the cages' legs and some other parts of the cages. In the past, well-knowned craftmen in China would take many months to hand craft each cage and these are the ones most valued today. Just like antiques, higher monetary values are placed on old cages that are still in good condition. Machines are mostly used these days in China to make bamboo cages and to carve the designs.
Accessories for bamboo cages are made for practical as well as decorative purposes, usually serving dual purpose at the same time. Accessories made from elephant task ivories are most valued. Whether they are made from wood or ivories, these accessories are also crafted with designs to compliment the main design themes of the cages. Old porcelain cups for birds are valued just like old handcrafted cages.
WHY WE DO NOT PREFER AVIARIES OR LARGER CAGES: Unlike in the west, birds are being kept in bamboo cages without much consideration to sufficient space for exercise. As can be seen from the above sizes used for each species, there is only enough space for a bird to just move around and perhaps at best, with a slight flutter of the wings for exercise. Throughout the history of bird keeping here where birds are kept in the confined spaces of bamboo cages, there has not been much cause for concern for the lack of flight exercise. Granted that they are fed well and cared for, once acclimatised, these birds usually will live to a ripe old age, many exceeding a decade.
A bird that is well acclimatised to its surroundings and to its bamboo cage will over time, develop a 'cage play' (movements within the cage) that is most natural to its species. The size and variation of the bamboo cage will also help to define the type of cage play. Good cage play is highly desirable to the hobbyists here. Over time, a bird well acclimatized to the small space of a bamboo cage will also be conditioned to channel most of its energy into its songs and physical displays. The limited space within the cage can only heighten the intensity of the performance of an in-form bird with an abundance of energy. The same bird if kept in a spacious aviary could not have developed the desired cage play nor will it perform with the same intensity in the aviary where the abundant space will provide other options to dilute the energy during a performance.
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